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user Ratings=8,2 of 10
Runtime=104 Min
Chris Washington, a talented young African-American photographer, prepares to meet his Caucasian girlfriend Rose Armitage's parents during a weekend in their Lake Pontaco house. Chris and Rose have been together for five months, and the Armitages are completely unaware that their daughter's sweetheart is black. But when Chris finally meets Rose's mother, a psychiatrist who specializes in hypnosis, and her father, a neurosurgeon, he will soon realize that the family is surrounded by black servants in the total privacy of their magnificent, yet secluded estate in the woods. Little by little, as the friendly and polite ambience gives way to an indistinguishable, rather unrecognizable threat, the unsettling mood coupled with sheer dread will quickly disturb the family's tranquil façade. What could the Armitages be hiding? And why is there an off-limits, locked room that leads to the basement?
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